Thursday, September 6, 2012

After School Day Care, What Do We Do?

After school whether you are a one-parent family or a two-parent family daycare issues regarding after school is a tough one. I asked a good friend of mine what is her biggest issue with kids returning back to school after the summer and she said “after school care!”

This was an area I dealt with all the way through high school yes, I did say through high school. In fact my kids would say “come on, we don’t need a sitter anymore!” A sitter no but an accountability partner yes!

So what did I do well I think I have mentioned it before but I used throughout school age several different resources and I know you all will have at least one of these resources.

YMCA, the city (through Parks and Recreation) we lived in was Montebello, as well as the school and last but not least my mother. I never wanted to burnout grandma so I mixed in the other three sources throughout their school days. And, though we did have their dad’s mom in the picture I was able to have her step in on emergency sitting time.

Remember it takes a “village raise a child” and that is how I always looked any of my child raising issues, who in my village could help me. Yes, even though you use someone from your village there is a cost or a fee that you will have to pay. I would like to mention here that you should never, absolutely never be afraid or ashamed to ask if there is any kind of a program for low income families. Also keep in mind if you have more then one child there are always special rates for the second child. Another great source is Boys & Girls Club. 

My children have a special relationship with their grandma because of the time they spent with her. And, yes there were times I would be so tired after work and knowing that I had still take my mom home would bug me but then I was always grateful for her help!

On our website once it launches you will find much more information such as actual locations with names and numbers that can become part of your village. The resources page will also have discounts for your family to use keep an eye out for it late November 2012.

Here is a picture from one of my daughters first day of school during her elementary school days...

You know it does not matter what grade our children are in we still worry about them and want the best for them. I hope the few little suggestions I made may help you and if you have some suggestions not mentioned Please leave a comment it will be appreciated! 

And, so it goes…    

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