Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Thought RE: How Does "I Am Malala" Relate To Single Parenting & Family?

The way I look at it is… Wait did you view the short video?  I hope so because if you did not then this may not make sense.

You see not only did I recognize this is a young girl who is just blessed with all sorts of strength and belief but she has a dad who has been right there.  She does speak of her mother but clearly states her mother’s thoughts and beliefs are traditional.

Her father sang to her all the time of how strong she is and of all the wonderful things she was going to be doing with her life and so is it not a surprise that she is doing what she is doing?  I think not!

We all whether we are one-parent or two-parent families must at all time be careful of what we say to our kids or when we are around them.  We help breath life into their thoughts and beliefs and as they grow they will find their own thoughts. We give them a foundation to build on and that can be good or bad depending on what you do and say around your kids!

If you speak of being lost, being down and out, of not having enough money or time or the oh poor me left to figure everything out then that is what you are giving to your kids.  Now trust me sometimes we don’t even realize that is being said or it’s done without thought so don’t go getting all upset with me.  However, now and in this time we should all be aware about how important it is to be positive even when there seems to be no reason to be positive.  Now on those days when the world seems to be caving in! When there is more bills and month then there is money or when you just are tired of carrying everything on your shoulders you have to let out a scream, right?  Then find yourself a group, some good friends who will allow you to fall and will be there to help dust you off as you get back up and ready to get back in there to fight!  Because our kids and ourselves are so worth it!

If Malala did not have a dad who continues to support her choices and who spoke belief and faith into her was not around would she be the Malala that we see in this video? Would she be a little girl fighting for her rights?  I honestly don’t know!

As single parents we must be that parent for our kids and if you just are not strong enough to be that parent then get someone who is that can be around your children to help guide them.  Like a good friend, a sister or brother, what about Big Boys or Big Girls Club and if you are not from the US find a similar club in your country.  But help get the right type of motivation to your children!

I was so moved by this young girl but even more for the father that she has! 

Let’s all remember to be strong for our kids and show them that we are not victims, that we all can aspire to do and be whoever we want to be!

What do you think about this? I would love to hear create a comment below.

And, so it goes

Saturday, October 12, 2013

How Does "I Am Malala" Relate To Single Parenting & Family?

I just viewed the 20/20 show regarding the young girl who fought for her right and all girls as well as boys to attend school and learn! This is the story of Malala Yousafzai, and her courage against the Taliban.

Now you may be wondering what does this have to do with Parenting especially as a single parent right.  Well this is easy it has everything to do with parenting and I feel a single parent can learn a lot from this and their children.

Take about ten minutes to watch this video and see for yourself the amazing story about not just this young girl but about family and parenting.

The father of Malala has been a strong force in her life from the time she was born to today.  Whether you are a one-parent or a two-parent family you can learn lots from this video regarding supporting your children and giving them strength.

What do you see that shows how Malala’s father helped to install strength and her positive outlook/faith that holds fast despite anything and everything that happens to her?

Next Saturday I shall give my input as to what I see.

Pass this link around lets all work together to share this story and help children all around the world!!! Not to mention our very own children in fact when you watch this do so with your children, nieces, nephews and/or grandchildren!

And, so it goes…