Friday, September 28, 2012

Words Can Be Mighty

After my little piece on children and divorce it got me thinking of what else do adults do without realizing their impact on children? I made some calls and spoke to some friends and then thought back what have I done that could have discouraged a child…

Once way back before having my own kids a nephew who was only about five or six wanted to show me his dancing. I was told he was so excited to show me I had been gone for some time (I was living in Germany and home for a visit) and so I was standing there waiting for the big show. He came out dressed up and started to dance and I started to laugh so hard he ended up stopping and I kept telling him it was OK to continue but he did not. My mother and sister looked at me and were mad; my mother told me later on that he said he would never dance again! And, he did not!!  Of course I apologized over and over again but the damage was done.

After that I have always tried real hard to never discredit a child even if what they are doing is not the best or if it is so funny you just want to breakout laughing. It is so easy to do this. Instead remember we need to be supportive in all areas never say harsh words to a child not even if playing around because it sticks in their brain and they carry it around with them.

Lest celebrate the accomplishment of all children because we never know what they may end-up accomplishing! For me after that horrible day I have never said anything that made a child feel bad I give encouragement instead always. My two kids were encouraged and to this day I encourage them with their dreams!

What can you say or do with a child today that will help them and inspire them?

Click here to watch a clip from a movie that really shows how easy it is to discourage a child… 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why Did Daddy Leave?

Some times I truly believe that parents whether one-parent or two-parents don’t realize what they say affects their children in many ways some times right away sometimes for years to come. For instance in divorces or a breakup when a child (or children) is with their mom or dad and they begin to bad mouth the other parent who left as though their child is their friend or confidant. Or they chose to tell their child why the divorce happened, how wrong the other parent is and how hateful they are is sad. The child is going through enough they do not need to hear negative hurtful things on top of that.  The other talk that a parent has with their child about the parent that left is how they (the other parent) did not want them or could not fit them into their new life. I’ve seen a  parent go as far as hiding letters from the other parent. You can read some stories here: This is so sad to believe that a grown up can do this with their child (children).

Let’s always remember our children are the innocent individuals of the divorce they did not ask to be a part of it and they should not be brought into it. I don’t care how old they are they do not need to know the gory details of our break-ups!

If there is a break-up of a marriage or partnership lets be strong enough to keep our children out of it; let’s try to not make our kids our buddy who we can confide in. Instead let’s help them through this horrible thing the very fact that their family is breaking up is huge event in their lives we do not need to make them a pawn in our game. Not to mention it is a game that no one ever really wins at! To hear how adult children grow up feeling and dealing with issues that stem back to their parents divorce is sad. Or to hear how an adult child learns that their dad always tried to connect with them but their mother never allowed it to happen is heart breaking. Or how the non-custodial parent is giving their fare share and is trying to be there for their children by taking them to school and giving extra money to the other parent is still not good enough. Because the parent who has the kids continues to talk bad about the other parent to their children giving fuel the children to dislike the other parent. So sad! Unless the divorce was due to some sort of danger to the child do not make your issues about the other parent become your child’s issue.

I made it a point of never telling my kids anything about our divorce. The reason was a grown up issue a parent issue and it had nothing to do with our children. I also did not make it a point of ever saying anything bad about their dad nor did I allow anyone else to say anything bad about their dad ever. From time to time my kids would ask why their dad and I got a divorce and my reply to them was always the same… if you really want to know and you are ready to hear the truth I will tell you but you really need to be ready to hear the truth. If you are not ready to hear grown up things that is OK, then go play – they would stop and think for a moment and would always run off to play instead. I was glad that it turned out that way always because if they said they wanted to hear I was not going to tell them anyway. It was not till they each graduated from high school that independently they asked why we did their dad and I divorce? They each added that they indeed were now the real reason and not the made up story they had in their mind.

When my son was younger he would ask over an over again if his daddy left because I said “oh baloney” to him? I always told him no and then I made sure never to say that to my son because I guess I had said it to his dad. I never wanted him to think that if I said “oh baloney” he would be gone. Once I would tell my son that was not the reason he would say “OK” and run off to play.

What are your thoughts about this subject? Please feel free to leave a comment, it would be appreciated.

My ex did not live in the same state as us and that had its good points and bad points but I always encouraged him to call the kids as often as possible. The calls came in at first once a week then every other week then shortly maybe once month. They did not see him for till about a year later then after that not till nine years later. If my kids wanted to send him a gift or write a letter or send a picture I always helped them to do so. I never wanted them to feel that I was keeping them away from him. Unfortunately since their never received much contact except for once a year at Christmas my kids stopped wanting to send him things or try to call him. However, even than I never talked bad about their dad nor allowed anyone to say anything bad about him to them. My kids tell me that they are glad that I never did say bad things about their dad. Now as they are older they have each tried to rebuild a relationship with their dad and he is trying to bridge the gap he created with them.

This is just one of the issues Parenting On Your Own is going to be dealing with in terms of how to help a parent navigate through the road map of divorce or a breakup and how to do it with the least amount of anxiety to the child then what they will already be feeling. Stay tuned the Launch will be in late November.

This is our kids just before the our divorce happened weren't they two adorable little kids? They loved their dad and their mom. It was heart wrenching enough to watch them go through the divorce I did not want to add anything more that would only add to their poor little broken hearts. I did not want them to think or feel that it was their fault that their dad left I made sure of that. Though this issue would pop up from time to time and we would deal with it each time that it did.

The smiles on their little faces back then would turn into sad little faces but we worked through it all. I read books on divorce and children, I went to counseling, took the kids to a couple of counseling sessions and I joined some groups as well. I wanted to learn how to cope and deal for myself as well as for my children. And, I must say I am pretty darn proud of my two kids they are the best despite the divorce we all went through!      

FYI I also never told them that their dad was confused and that he really did love them in his own kind of way. I did not tell them anything like that because I did not want them growing up thinking that love meant it was OK to be hurt, sad and confused. That it was OK to be a dad and not be a part of their children’s lives. I can’t tell you how many adults I have spoken to who have issues with showing love and giving love because they had a parent who was not in their life. I shall save this topic for another day.

What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment and let me know what you think or what your thought is on the subject!

And, so it goes…

Monday, September 10, 2012

School Has Started! Oh No Now What...

Here is something to think about… even though it’s time for school again which means you have added details and more to your To Do list for the morning and night keep in mind our kids just keep on growing-up!

You see it’s a funny thing but no matter what we do it just happens in a blink of an eye! Our job is to try and make it as easy as possible for them to learn and grow in a positive manner. The fact that we are parents in a one-parent household does not mean our kids don’t grow as fast or that their issues aren’t as small or big as the next kid. Being a parent in a one-parent family doesn't also mean we cannot have access to the same things a two-parent family has in order to raise successful and positive youth!

Which is what Parenting On Your Own is being developed into a place you can go to for help and to have accessibility to tools/resources online that you can use as well as ideas. I cannot stress enough that it’s important to use the village around you and the resources it has to offer you to help raise your kids.  Using what is around you can make your life and your children’s life easier then doing it on your own.

You see before you know it, that little one will be doing this…

 Your child can also become the Salutation Speaker at their graduation!

And, so it goes...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

After School Day Care, What Do We Do?

After school whether you are a one-parent family or a two-parent family daycare issues regarding after school is a tough one. I asked a good friend of mine what is her biggest issue with kids returning back to school after the summer and she said “after school care!”

This was an area I dealt with all the way through high school yes, I did say through high school. In fact my kids would say “come on, we don’t need a sitter anymore!” A sitter no but an accountability partner yes!

So what did I do well I think I have mentioned it before but I used throughout school age several different resources and I know you all will have at least one of these resources.

YMCA, the city (through Parks and Recreation) we lived in was Montebello, as well as the school and last but not least my mother. I never wanted to burnout grandma so I mixed in the other three sources throughout their school days. And, though we did have their dad’s mom in the picture I was able to have her step in on emergency sitting time.

Remember it takes a “village raise a child” and that is how I always looked any of my child raising issues, who in my village could help me. Yes, even though you use someone from your village there is a cost or a fee that you will have to pay. I would like to mention here that you should never, absolutely never be afraid or ashamed to ask if there is any kind of a program for low income families. Also keep in mind if you have more then one child there are always special rates for the second child. Another great source is Boys & Girls Club. 

My children have a special relationship with their grandma because of the time they spent with her. And, yes there were times I would be so tired after work and knowing that I had still take my mom home would bug me but then I was always grateful for her help!

On our website once it launches you will find much more information such as actual locations with names and numbers that can become part of your village. The resources page will also have discounts for your family to use keep an eye out for it late November 2012.

Here is a picture from one of my daughters first day of school during her elementary school days...

You know it does not matter what grade our children are in we still worry about them and want the best for them. I hope the few little suggestions I made may help you and if you have some suggestions not mentioned Please leave a comment it will be appreciated! 

And, so it goes…    

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School!

It is the first day after Labor Day which means our kids are now back to school and for most parents there is a sigh of relief! However, there are a lot of parents (myself included) the thought is OMG now I have to have my after-school day care in order, plus it means my budget now goes up again!

What is your biggest issue with after-school care? What have you done to overcome this obstacle? What suggestions can you give?

I will be back on Thursday with my input but I’m hoping maybe we will get some feed back here as well.

Happy First Day of School for the year!

And, so it goes...