Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer Time & School Age Children 2

OK, I apologize I was suppose to post Friday, June 1st however, I ended-up taking a "Me Day" a "Break", I spent the day at the beach!

As a single parent we sometimes forget to take time for ourselves, right? Did you know that by taking some time for just yourself we become better parents! Sooo, as we think of summer and what we are going to do with our school age children don't forget to figure out how to take a bit of time for yourself!

Here are some of the things I did? Because I was always doing so much volunteer work with in our community I was able to make payments for the summer day camp which allowed me to put both kids into the program (in other words don't be afraid to ask if you break-up the cost). My kids always had so much fun, after four years the program came to an end, boy was I bummed.  I then went to my mom and asked her if she would come to my home each day to watch the kids. We would sit down and talk about what things she could do with the kids during the summer (mind you my mom does not drive).

Well that was a few things that I did but I know you have some thoughts on this... what are you doing this summer with your school age children? or if your children are already grown what did you do during the summer school break with your children? or maybe you were raised by a single parent and if so how did you spend the summer out of school while your parent was working?

And, so it goes...

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