I know we all say things and later think why did we say that, right. I could also just say well these are just tees what's the big deal?
Well to me it is a big deal this is how we begin to teach our children the one wearing the tee as well as any other child and yes teen. "My mom can kick your Dads..." I do understand that most of the tees are simple and really are not saying much but here is the thing...
Our children should be wearing tees that say things like "When I'm older I'm going to College", "My mom graduated from high school", "I'm getting straight "A's" at school, how about you?"
We create the building blocks for our kids, we start them on their road to success... my kids were always wanting to know why a word like "shut-up" was not allowed in our home. I explained to them that saying words that are rude and hurtful is bad! How would you like someone to yell at you "shut-up"?
I heard how an entire family was changed by changing what was said to the children in regards to school instead of asking "are you going to keep going to school?" they asked their kids "what school are you going to be going to after high school?"
What do you do to help mold the minds of your children? What do you put in front of them to see and read that will point them in a good direction with positive thoughts?
I know I have hit this before but it is so important... what we say, do and act in front of our kids is what they will take in and will become!
And, so it goes...