I'm blogging about the process of creating a one-parent family community using a blog. As well as how I raised two children from the age of 3 & 7 on my own; I had to figure out how to do this single parent thing! My kids are now grown and are awesome! I’m sharing what we did and how we got through the growing pains of a one-parent family! Hope you take time to read and pass this blog address to one-parent families that you know! Thanks for stopping by.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Carry On...
I know yesterday I was going to make a new post however, there was a family emergency and I found myself driving from Southern CA to Northern CA and along the way at 12 noon I lost my aunt to a brain aneurysm. I spoke to her on Wednesday the 12th and was looking forward to coming up in July and the next thing I know on Monday I received the phone call letting me know she was in the ICU.
I called her to give her and update on the new business which is what I wanted to write about today or yesterday. However, I will save that for next Wednesday. Instead I really just wanted to share with all of you how she was such a source of strength for my kids and I. She and my uncle were always there and always in support my uncle would always take my son off to show him how to do things like wood carving and throwing a ball. He always told me he wished we lived closer so he could be more of an influence for him and my auntie would always be there for me to talk to, to share with, to help me work out issues. I did have the wonderful opportunity to tell her how much I loved and admire both of them
I always told my kids they my aunt and uncle were the models to look at in regards to marriage and team work as a couple.
You know there is so much more to say but I have to run to go meet my uncle and cousins.
By the way I wrote "Carry On" as the title of this post because that is what my auntie said at the end of her conversations always. And, it is so true now it's time for us to "Carry On".
I shall return with so much more!
And, so it goes...
Monday, June 10, 2013
The Tin Can Phone...
Do you all remember the shoestring can telephone? It's funny how that then turned into telling one person one thing and they in turn tell someone else and of course the whole thing is distorted, i'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
You can tell your kids one thing they in turn tell their sibling something completely different from what you said or better yet one of your kids hears a conversation that you are having and they in turn take it and run with it. And, of course what they heard is all wrong and then you have to try and fix it all or sometimes you just leave it alone.
Yesterday, I was on Facebook when a friend posted that she was going to live in London for 15 months! I thought wow, then I thought wait a minute she has two kids in high school and is running a non-profit she is not going anywhere any time soon. I remembered she sent me a message that I had not read with list of other women as recipients and I just blew it off, to be quiet honest. I went back to that message and read it and the whole thing was about breast cancer and creating awareness.

I know this is not October which is the normal awareness time for this but June
for me comes with mixed feelings. This month was when my cousin (who was my best friend in the whole world) was born on the 1st and she lost her battle to breast cancer on June 20th 2005. However, good news was three years ago on June 16th her first and only grandchild was born, who clearly has her grandmother's stubbornness and smile; she is a gorgeous little girl! Therefore I just had to participate and help remind women about breast cancer.
What the message said was to help women to remember about breast cancer it asked that we forward the message to all females in our list. But it asked us to look at a key and find our birth month and next to it would be a destination, we were to make a simple post on our status saying "I am going to... then according to our birth day that would be how long we would be visiting. I did exactly what it asked and sent over 90 women the message just as it was sent to me. My post read "I am going to London for 18 months" that is all I typed. The thought was all these women would be posting where they were going and for how long which would make the men wonder what the heck was going on.
Shortly after making my post wow, oh wow did my Facebook blow-up so many people wondering why I was going, some asking what the heck happened, some asking if they could come stay with me, others asking if they could join me, others just telling me how awesome and to have fun; while others asking why am I just up and leaving? If the response came from a female I in turn re sent the message so they hopefully know what was really going on.
Keep in mind that I am in the middle of making changes as I mentioned in previous blog postings about moving my parenting program from a website to this blog. I am also right in the beginning stages of building a new business that is starting off so Great (the information on the new business as to why and how will be my next post next week on Wednesday)! As I just mentioned the new business just started and I truly have not even done an official launch and many individuals know I am doing this. at this. Even though the minute I posted that I was going to London for 18 months the messages, text messages and phone calls started.
I also had a friend post a joke that I met a man who was taking me to London to meet his family! In turn one of my daughters friends saw the post (neither of my kids are on Facebook) and he started texting and calling her. So of course she called me and wanted to know what the heck was going on!
She was so upset though she did say I know this isn't true but... So I told her all about the breast cancer awareness thing and so on and so on. She laughed about it and said her friend was so insistent that I was indeed running off to London with this man I met online (boy did the story grow)!
I couldn't believe how many individuals just took it for grant it that if I said I was going to London then I must be going without even thinking what about my new business or asking me why I was leaving!
I just thought it was so funny - I could not stop laughing the entire night! My son will laugh so hard when he hears this story and he will say that's why I'm not on there.

It was like I was playing the telephone game!
But to bring it back home in reference to children and raising them on our own... I remember the days I would say one thing to my son who in turn would run and tell his sister something different and she would then run to me and ask why.
Then there was the time my daughter overheard my mother and I talking about some things and swore that we were talking about me sending them to live with their dad for always! She was so upset, I believe it was right after that incident that a new house rule was if you heard something you had to bring it up to the person you heard it from to check to see if it was real. I guess I shall be having people reaching out to me for some time asking me when I will be leaving. Actually, I think at some point I will have to mention that I am not going anyway but to the top with my new business and helping single parents through my blog!!
One time my son was in front of the TV with one of his favorite shows on, he had his dinosaurs out playing with them and his farm animal set out as well and a magazine that had an article about dinosaurs. My sister sat next to me on the sofa we were just across from him in the living room - she wanted to talk about a going to a movie with her later that week. I asked her to wait till later to talk to me about this and she said "why, Shawn is way too busy over there to hear us!" Just then he turned around and said "I heard you say that, what movie is sister & I going to go see?" I then turned and looked at her and said "see he heard every word despite all that was going on around him!"
Oh wait, there was the big issue of my son hearing my daughter and her friends talking about no Santa Clause!! That was huge but it all turned out OK, save this topic for much later in the year.
Moral of this story is... little ears are always listening even if you think they are not! Big ears don't necessarily here every word or they don't stop to think about what they heard, they just react!
And, so it goes...
Hot off the press... if you live in the Los Angeles area on Saturday, August 3rd Parenting on your own will be having a Champagne Celebration to celebrate the new business Mama Cheesecake and Parenting on your own. It will be hosted by An Empowered Women organization and the exciting part is that I will be interviewing Founder, Desiree Doubrox, a divorced mom who raised her two boys in a one parent family home while creating businesses to support them! Check out their site at http://www.anempoweredwoman.com/about/ . And, this amazing women has been an entrepreneur since the age of 12!
Keep your eyes out for detail or if you want to get on our list now click here:
https://anempoweredwoman. infusionsoft.com/app/form/ test/ bec196027f074b26b5a659a00027b0 2d?inf_contact_key= 0f87383e53ddc86a906cbc6d177388 c5
You can tell your kids one thing they in turn tell their sibling something completely different from what you said or better yet one of your kids hears a conversation that you are having and they in turn take it and run with it. And, of course what they heard is all wrong and then you have to try and fix it all or sometimes you just leave it alone.
Yesterday, I was on Facebook when a friend posted that she was going to live in London for 15 months! I thought wow, then I thought wait a minute she has two kids in high school and is running a non-profit she is not going anywhere any time soon. I remembered she sent me a message that I had not read with list of other women as recipients and I just blew it off, to be quiet honest. I went back to that message and read it and the whole thing was about breast cancer and creating awareness.

I know this is not October which is the normal awareness time for this but June
for me comes with mixed feelings. This month was when my cousin (who was my best friend in the whole world) was born on the 1st and she lost her battle to breast cancer on June 20th 2005. However, good news was three years ago on June 16th her first and only grandchild was born, who clearly has her grandmother's stubbornness and smile; she is a gorgeous little girl! Therefore I just had to participate and help remind women about breast cancer.
What the message said was to help women to remember about breast cancer it asked that we forward the message to all females in our list. But it asked us to look at a key and find our birth month and next to it would be a destination, we were to make a simple post on our status saying "I am going to... then according to our birth day that would be how long we would be visiting. I did exactly what it asked and sent over 90 women the message just as it was sent to me. My post read "I am going to London for 18 months" that is all I typed. The thought was all these women would be posting where they were going and for how long which would make the men wonder what the heck was going on.
Shortly after making my post wow, oh wow did my Facebook blow-up so many people wondering why I was going, some asking what the heck happened, some asking if they could come stay with me, others asking if they could join me, others just telling me how awesome and to have fun; while others asking why am I just up and leaving? If the response came from a female I in turn re sent the message so they hopefully know what was really going on.
Keep in mind that I am in the middle of making changes as I mentioned in previous blog postings about moving my parenting program from a website to this blog. I am also right in the beginning stages of building a new business that is starting off so Great (the information on the new business as to why and how will be my next post next week on Wednesday)! As I just mentioned the new business just started and I truly have not even done an official launch and many individuals know I am doing this. at this. Even though the minute I posted that I was going to London for 18 months the messages, text messages and phone calls started.
I also had a friend post a joke that I met a man who was taking me to London to meet his family! In turn one of my daughters friends saw the post (neither of my kids are on Facebook) and he started texting and calling her. So of course she called me and wanted to know what the heck was going on!
She was so upset though she did say I know this isn't true but... So I told her all about the breast cancer awareness thing and so on and so on. She laughed about it and said her friend was so insistent that I was indeed running off to London with this man I met online (boy did the story grow)!
I couldn't believe how many individuals just took it for grant it that if I said I was going to London then I must be going without even thinking what about my new business or asking me why I was leaving!
I just thought it was so funny - I could not stop laughing the entire night! My son will laugh so hard when he hears this story and he will say that's why I'm not on there.

It was like I was playing the telephone game!
But to bring it back home in reference to children and raising them on our own... I remember the days I would say one thing to my son who in turn would run and tell his sister something different and she would then run to me and ask why.
Then there was the time my daughter overheard my mother and I talking about some things and swore that we were talking about me sending them to live with their dad for always! She was so upset, I believe it was right after that incident that a new house rule was if you heard something you had to bring it up to the person you heard it from to check to see if it was real. I guess I shall be having people reaching out to me for some time asking me when I will be leaving. Actually, I think at some point I will have to mention that I am not going anyway but to the top with my new business and helping single parents through my blog!!
One time my son was in front of the TV with one of his favorite shows on, he had his dinosaurs out playing with them and his farm animal set out as well and a magazine that had an article about dinosaurs. My sister sat next to me on the sofa we were just across from him in the living room - she wanted to talk about a going to a movie with her later that week. I asked her to wait till later to talk to me about this and she said "why, Shawn is way too busy over there to hear us!" Just then he turned around and said "I heard you say that, what movie is sister & I going to go see?" I then turned and looked at her and said "see he heard every word despite all that was going on around him!"
Oh wait, there was the big issue of my son hearing my daughter and her friends talking about no Santa Clause!! That was huge but it all turned out OK, save this topic for much later in the year.
Moral of this story is... little ears are always listening even if you think they are not! Big ears don't necessarily here every word or they don't stop to think about what they heard, they just react!
And, so it goes...
Hot off the press... if you live in the Los Angeles area on Saturday, August 3rd Parenting on your own will be having a Champagne Celebration to celebrate the new business Mama Cheesecake and Parenting on your own. It will be hosted by An Empowered Women organization and the exciting part is that I will be interviewing Founder, Desiree Doubrox, a divorced mom who raised her two boys in a one parent family home while creating businesses to support them! Check out their site at http://www.anempoweredwoman.com/about/ . And, this amazing women has been an entrepreneur since the age of 12!
Keep your eyes out for detail or if you want to get on our list now click here:
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